Thursday, November 23, 2017 by Mike Adams
Thanksgiving is a time to express our gratitude for those things we honor and value in our lives. As I look over all the incredible abundance, health and friendship I’ve been so fortunate to cultivate and share throughout my life, I’m overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude toward others.
Here’s a list of 57 things I’m grateful for (in no particular order):
Thanksgiving thanks #1 -Thank you to Mother Nature for providing a vibrant, abundant world of food, nutrition and herbs that sustain life.
Thanksgiving thanks #2 – Thank you to all the holistic health practitioners and healing arts professionals who save lives and prevent suffering.
Thanksgiving thanks #3 – Thank you to all firefighters and emergency responders who put their lives on the line every day for the safety of others.
Thanksgiving thanks #4 – Thank you to all the homeschool moms and dads who take the time to raise their own children (rather than the state).
Thanksgiving thanks #5 – Thank you to all the men and women in blue who work dangerous jobs to help keep our communities safe.
Thanksgiving thanks #6 – I’m thankful that our nation’s Founding Fathers foresaw the importance of establishing the First Amendment.
Thanksgiving thanks #7 – Thank you to our nation’s cherished veterans who served their country. You deserve better health care!
Thanksgiving thanks #8 – A special thanks to all the holistic dentists who are getting the mercury out and restoring health to patients everywhere.
Thanksgiving thanks #9 – Thank you to all the organic farmers who work hard to grow and harvest clean food for the rest of us.
Thanksgiving thanks #10 – Thank you to Dr. Andrew Wakefield and other courageous whistleblowers of medicine who dare to tell the truth in a world ruled by corruption.
Thanksgiving thanks #11 – Thank you to all the elementary school teachers and mentors who work hard to teach children how to cope with the real world.
Thanksgiving thanks #12 – Thank you to my two favorite comedians — Richard Pryor and George Carlin — who taught me the freedom to question everything.
Thanksgiving thanks #13 – Thank you to all the chiropractors… you know more about nutrition, wellness and prevention than most conventional MDs.
Thanksgiving thanks #14 – I’m thankful that knowledge of natural medicine, herbs and healing foods is surging back into public consciousness.
Thanksgiving thanks #15 – Thank you to all our men and women in uniform who help keep America safe in a dangerous, unpredictable world.
Thanksgiving thanks #16 – I’m thankful for all the dedicated engineers and architects who help create the astonishing infrastructure of roads, buildings and bridges.
Thanksgiving thanks #17 – I’m thankful for the free market, and the fact that individual, decentralized economic decisions generate so much abundance and prosperity.
Thanksgiving thanks #18 – Thank you, Mother Nature, for providing amazing cancer cures that are hidden in everyday fruits, vegetables, herbs and seeds.
Thanksgiving thanks #19 – I’m thankful for consciousness and empathy so that we can perceive what others feel, and help others HEAL with love.
Thanksgiving thanks #20 – Thank you to all the long-haul truckers who work difficult hours, far from home, to deliver the goods.
Thanksgiving thanks #21 – Thank you to all the real journalists across the independent media who ask intelligent questions and practice critical thinking.
Thanksgiving thanks #22 – Thank you to our Founding Fathers for establishing the Electoral College; without it, we would all be ruled by urban mobs.
Thanksgiving thanks #23 – I’m thankful for all the naturopathic physicians who practice medicine by prioritizing patient wellness over pharma profits.
Thanksgiving thanks #24 – I’m thankful that we can still access CBD oil (cannabinoids) in the USA for the moment, and I hope natural medicine is LEGALIZED.
Thanksgiving thanks #25 – I’m thankful for all the EMTs who respond to accidents and emergencies with incredible courage and skill to save lives.
Thanksgiving thanks #26 – I’m thankful that, for the moment, we still have a chance to save America from socialism and tyranny. Keep fighting for liberty!
Thanksgiving thanks #27 – I’m thankful to my incredible parents who raised me with compassion, thinking skills and the courage to speak the truth.
Thanksgiving thanks #28 – Thank you to our ancestors who established the Second Amendment, without which we would be overrun by tyranny.
Thanksgiving thanks #29 – Thank you to all the moms and dads of autistic children who keep fighting for the truth about autism and vaccines.
Thanksgiving thanks #30 – Thank you to all the writers and bloggers who are writing about consciousness as a key to world change, such as Waking Times.
Thanksgiving thanks #31 – I’m thankful that our Founding Fathers structured America as a constitutional Republic rather than a “mob rule” democracy.
Thanksgiving thanks #32 – I’m thankful that advanced science equipment has now become so affordable that I can run my own food science laboratory: cwclabs.com
Thanksgiving thanks #33 – Thank you to the emergency room doctors and surgeons who save lives every day, even when some people seem determined to kill each other.
Thanksgiving thanks #34 – I’m thankful for the state of Texas, where business prospers and personal freedom remains strong. Don’t mess with TEXAS!
Thanksgiving thanks #35 – I’m thankful for all the clean food activists who shout the truth about GMOs, pesticides and heavy metals contamination.
Thanksgiving thanks #36 – I’m thankful for Ron Paul and Rand Paul, and we wish Rand a speedy recovery from the injuries inflicted upon him.
Thanksgiving thanks #37 – Thank you to all those who join me in daring to question the status quo, think for yourself, and seek innovative alternatives.
Thanksgiving thanks #38 – I’m thankful to all the brilliant programmers who specialize in encryption, privacy, P2P technologies and cryptocurrencies. Freedom!
Thanksgiving thanks #39 – I’m thankful for the school of Austrian economics and all the wisdom it has shared with humanity about liberty and prosperity.
Thanksgiving thanks #40 – I thank all the young moms who pursue adoption instead of abortion. All unborn children deserve a chance at LIFE. (Didn’t you?)
Thanksgiving thanks #41 – I thank Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for having the courage to question mercury in vaccines. WorldMercuryProject.org.
Thanksgiving thanks #42 – I thank all the women who have been victims of sex abuse and sexual misconduct for coming forward and NAMING those responsible!
Thanksgiving thanks #43 – I’m thankful to all our writers, researchers, programmers, designers and customer service personnel who dedicate their lives to our mission.
Thanksgiving thanks #44 – A special thanks to James O’Keefe, Jon Rappoport, Robert Scott Bell and all the other independent journalists who dare to tell the truth.
Thanksgiving thanks #45 – I’m thankful the universe has shown us the potential of fusion energy, which can ultimately replace nearly all fossil fuels.
Thanksgiving thanks #46 – I’m thankful to all the pastors and church organizers who continue to teach morality, ethics and spiritual growth for us all.
Thanksgiving thanks #48 – I’m thankful for Traditional Chinese Medicine which has documented secrets of holistic healing for over 4,000 years.
Thanksgiving thanks #49 – I’m thankful for the separation of powers into 3 branches; without it, we would already be living under a dictatorship.
Thanksgiving thanks #50 – I’m thankful for the body’s spontaneous self-healing abilities, without which we would all have died long ago.
Thanksgiving thanks #51 – I’m thankful for the advanced biological nanotechnology known as the “immune system.” The most advanced medicine in the world!
Thanksgiving thanks #52 – I’m thankful for G. Edward Griffin, a champion of personal liberty and economic freedom. A true trailblazer and American hero!
Thanksgiving thanks #53 – I’m thankful for our MOON, without which human life might not exist on Earth at all. But how did it form? Mystery…
Thanksgiving thanks #54 – I’m thankful for the Bill of Rights and urge all Americans to vigorously defend each of its tenants.
Thanksgiving thanks #55 – I’m thankful Jared Fogle got caught, and I’m thankful Corey Feldman has the courage to name names. Who’s next?
Thanksgiving thanks #56 – I’m thankful it’s legal in America to own firearms for self defense and community defense. Support 2A!
Thanksgiving thanks #57 – Thank you to God for love, life, consciousness, creation and free will. May we all be blessed each day of our lives.
– the Health Ranger
Tagged Under: Tags: giving thanks, gratitude, spirituality, Thanksgiving